New ZiggyLand

Monday, September 10, 2007


Well, here I am in Pukekohe. I don't have any pictures yet of the town - hopefully I will be able to take some today.

I had a tough start to yesterday. I found out that a friend, Sue, suddenly passed away. She was an amazing lady. I met her and her husband, Marv, in Singapore and they were my surrogate parents while I was there. They helped take care of me for two years - she even made my lunch a few times and he drove me to school in the mornings. I can't imagine what Marv and their daughter April are going through. I know how hard it was for me to hear the news.

I was thinking how tough life is. I just wanted to sit and be still, but life keeps moving and I had a huge to do list. So, I had to get on with my day - dry my tears and get going. As I went through the day, my to-do list was not getting done. People here are definitely on a different schedule than I am. The teacher recruiter kept telling me to relax and not to take things too seriously.

As I was driving back from Auckland to the town of Pukeohe, I kept thinking, what have I gotten myself into? I crested a hill just before coming into town, and got to see one of the most amazing sunsets I've ever seen. He reminded me that he is in control and the God that makes the sun rise and set is the same God who can help me through the to-do list, through the culture shock, through the lonliness of not having my people near me. He is the same God who can comfort Marv and April and hundreds of others as we mourn Sue's loss.

Now, I'm off to the school and to check more things off my to-do list. I know that I will need to be reminded of who God is again and again and the plans that He has for me - hopefully he'll send another amazing sunrise or sunset for me to see.


At September 11, 2007 at 1:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about your friend Sue. What hard news to hear! Hang in there through this challenging adjustment to your new life there and know that you're in our prayers.

At September 14, 2007 at 1:44 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Jenn, I too am sorry about the loss of your friend Sue. I am glad to hear you have safely arrived and have Kathy and gang there too! Keep us posted on the adventures...I just know you will love your time there. Be sure to's much easier to think clearly when you've given yourself time to recover from traveling. (I can't think of the name of the OT prophet who the Lord kept telling him to simply rest and eat and then his outlook was much brighter!...but I'm thinking of this for you) Love, Minnow and gang


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