New ZiggyLand

Friday, June 27, 2008

I'm back. . .

. . .but with no photos.
I suppose Diana inspired me- if she can blog so can I. I have to admit, since I've been back in New Zealand, I haven't wanted to blog or e-mail. I check everyone else's blogs hoping for updates and I check my e-mail about 20 times a day hoping for e-mails but for some reason not wanting to write any. Well, I think I'm over that now.

I've been busy and been having fun, but just couldn't get in gear to put any posts on. It's hard to sum up May and June - hiking, surfing, coaching basketball, whitewater rafting, etc. I can't believe time has flown by this quickly and 2 months have passed since i was home.

A couple of weeks ago, I was playing a game of basketball with some coworkers. No one here really knows how to play the game so I was excited to show off my skills. I ready for this to be my big game - I was going to be a star and a legend on the court. And I have to admit, that I was hitting every shot in the warm-up. My teammates were impressed and kept saying that I was going to be their secret weapon. So, the game started and 20 seconds into it, I went to go one way and my knee went the other, and then I went down. After writhing on the floor for a few minutes, they carried me off the court, and I had to sit there and watch one of the scrappiest games of basketball - ever.

After the game, and a few doctor's visits, I found out that I tore my acl. So now, I do a lot of sitting with me knee up waiting until I can get surgery - which will hopefully happen in a couple of weeks. Not exactly what I had planned for my time in New Zealand.

My friends here have been absolutely wonderful, driving me places, cooking for me, hanging out with me and doing low-energy activities like having coffee and brunch, and watching movies. People at work have been great too - covering classes for me, even my students have been understanding.

So, I am a bit bummed, but we all know that life doesn't always turn out the way you plan it. I came over here to be as active as I could be and enjoy everything this country has. Now, plans have changed for the next few months, but that's okay. God has been so gracious to provide amazing friends here while I go through this. So, maybe the next few months won't be what I planned - but maybe it will be even better than what I could have ever planned. And hopefully, I'll have some photos to show for it.