New ZiggyLand

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I'll take you to get an x-ray after morning tea...

That's how you know you're in a hospital in New Zealand and not in the states. They take their morning tea very seriously here - even during recovery from surgery. I had knee surgery on Monday and everything went well. I stayed in the newest hospital in the area. I had my own room and the doctors and nurses were lovely. I spent the night and felt totally pampered. I didn't take my camera with me, but now that I'm back home in my own bed, I did what any of you would do - I took a picture of my knee and posted it.

They repaired the ACL and I think they did something to the meniscus but I was really out of it when the doctor told me what he did and how surgery went. I know I was in surgery for 3 and 1/2 hours.

It didn't hit me until Sunday evening that I was going to have surgery and not be at home and have my family around me. I panicked a bit, but God is good and has given me amazing friends. The next few pictures are friends who came to see me or who called while I was in the hospital. The pictures are random shots of fun things that we've done together. I wanted you all to see the wonderful friends I have in my life on this side of the world.
Top on the list is Kathy. I know I've dedicated a few blogs to her and her family and their friendship, but here goes again. She and Steve rearranged their schedules so she could come over early Monday morning and be there when I went into surgery and when I woke up. She sat with me as the anesthetic wore off when I was saying nonsense. Thank you thank you thank you.

Ted and Heather came for a visit when I was a little more with it. I'm not sure what we talked about, but I'm sure I talked a lot. I was bummed that I closed my eyes in the picture until I realized that Ted had his open wide enough for the both of us.
Heather and I walking around Mount Maunganui - the walk takes about 35 minutes at a slow pace. It took us almost a hour to do the walk - a combination of my bad knee and her having mono.
Avon was a huge help when I was struggling to get around the mount. He waited for us, helped me walk and even carried me
for a bit.
Alice (the brunette) took me to the hospital and waited for me to check in. Celene called to see how I was doing. We had a weekend away before my surgery and stopped by some hot pools on the way home.
My roommate Alisa took off work when I first injured my knee, took me to the ER and drove me around for a couple days.
Hilary (short blonde hair) took off work on Tuesday to pick me up from the hospital and to look after me all day. She's busy making dinner right now. Emma (in the middle) has called and texted to see how I'm getting on and is coming over on Wednesday to help me.
Cousin Andy called few times to check up on me and to wish me luck.
Dana, in the red rain jacket, is a fellow American. She stopped in for a visit today and brought over as many American snacks as she could find - including a Hershey's bar, Diet Coke, and Pringles. So, thank you to everyone who was praying for me and thinking of me on the other side of the world - God made sure I was well looked after. And thank you to everyone on this side of the world who did the looking after.