New ZiggyLand

Monday, May 5, 2008


This past Friday was a full-on day of visiting and hanging out. The day started with a trip downtown to the National Aquarium. I think it's hard to get your money's worth out of places like that because after a couple of hours, we were exhausted. Actually, I started out tired and in need of coffee, and I just wanted to curl up and take a nap, but the tickets were so expensive we had to look at every exhibit.
Here's Owen enjoying one of the exhibits.

Anneke and Owen in the rainforest.

Raleigh and Mindy in the rainforest - this picture kind of sums up the outlook on the day. Mindy was the cheerleader of the group and pushed us to see everything. All Raleigh and I could talk about was getting a cup of coffee. I don't think we were really grateful at the time for her cheerful outlook and her persistence. Thanks Min for putting up with your caffeine deprived friend.

Then, when we got back to Hamilton, we had HAMILTOPIA. Before I left for New Zealand, a group of us Hamiltonians would meet once a week for a casual community dinner. One person would cook for the group each week. I loved getting together and the community that came out of being together weekly. This past Friday we had more than just the regulars and stayed up a lot later than we used to.