New ZiggyLand

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My First 3 Days

Well, I made it through the first 3 days and so did all of my students. Monday was pretty rough. I haven't taught high school in 3-4 years and I forgot how tiring it can be. The kids are no different than those in the states - except they wanted to know if there were gangsters at the school where I taught, if all the kids have guns, and if I've ever been shot at.

I had a tough time controlling the classes on Monday, but whatever I did must have worked because they came in on Tuesday and today ready to do whatever I asked them to do.

There are so many policies that I don't know and I figure that when they are important, someone will tell me. I found out at 12:45 today that school ends at 1:50 every Wednesday instead of 3:25. For the first 2 days, a student has come around to collect an attendance sheet. I don't know how to fill out - so I just leave it blank. Maybe I'll find out before the week is out.

I'm getting to know the people in my department - the department head is a joke stealer though. he asked if I knew any good american okes, so I told him that best I had - the chicken joke. He liked it so much that he went and told the rest of the faculty and all of his students. He's a joke stealer, Jerry.

In all my years teaching, I've never taught in a classroom that has been in such bad shape. I've put some pictures on so you can get an idea. I cleaned it up a lot - I'll take pictures of the new improved room tomorrow and post them.

Thanks for all your prayers - I needed them this week. I have 2 more days and then I have a 2 week holiday (aka vacation).


At September 19, 2007 at 7:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

it,s 7:09 am Wednesday. It was good to hear from you. The pictures. of your class room look better than i was expecting. What is the "chicken joke"? Love you mom and I prayed for you this morning. have a good vacation.

Love dad

At September 20, 2007 at 12:28 AM , Blogger Jen Zig said...

Thanks Dad. I'll let you know where I end up going. I'll be able to call you guys next week since I won't be working.

At September 29, 2007 at 5:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: joke stealers:
It takes one to know one...and don't worry, I'll tell Dad the chicken joke...then you'll have had it stolen twice ;0

At October 6, 2007 at 8:48 PM , Blogger Mama Gapp said...

You work three days and then have a two week vacation? What kind of place is this? Ok, so seriously, when are you coming home.


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