New ZiggyLand

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Tim's Last Week

Well, Tim is safe and sound in the USA now. I had such a fun time while he was here even though I had to work. We did manage to do a favorite past-time of Tim's, tubing down a river. The river that we tubed down was a little different than the Gunpowder back home - the river was really deep and so clear you could see all the way to the bottom. We also didn't need to worry about snakes.

We started with a 15-20 minute walk straight down to the the river through a kiwi orchard. I just have to say that Kiwis are great people. They don't care how steep the trail is, no one here believes in switchbacks. On most of the hiking trails, if it goes up or down, they aren't going to bother with swithbacks, you just go straight up and straight down, no pansy back and forth trails. So, after 15 minutes of straight down with innertubes, we arrived at this lean-to. Some of the boys climbed up on top of the shack and jumped off - I jumped from the enbankment - that was high enough for me.

This is me jumping in the river - I think I had pretty good form.
Notice how clear the water is.

We also went to Steve and Kathy's and shot clay pigeon's - one of my favorite things to do now. I shot another gun, this time a shotgun - this one hurt a lot more when it kicked back against my shoulder. I actually managed to kill one of the clay pigeons - notice the look of awe on the faces.

I drove Tim to Auckland on thursday and we almost missd his flight. would just like to say that it wasn't my fault, there was traffic here and there is never traffic inb this country. All the cars on the motoway were at a dead stop. Tim wasn't worried so that helped me not worry and stress either. We just turned up John Denver and sang with him at the top of our lungs as we figured our own detour. We made it in time which I have to admit I was a little sad about. I think I was secretly hoping that he'd miss his plane so I could have another day to hang out with him.
I'm pretty sure he had a great time here - he said there's one thing that would kep him from ever moving here- no good pizza. I have to say, it's been a tough 6 months - I haven't had pizza in that long. So, when I go home in 6 weeks, hopefully I will have it every day that I'm there.
Besides the pizza, it's a great place, so everyone is welcome to stop on over for a visit.


At March 2, 2008 at 9:39 AM , Blogger Cari and Frank said...

Jen -
It looks like you had a great time with Tim. I think we(Frank, myself and our Uncle Joe)are going to be in Baltimore when you are there:). You look so good I thought there was a pic of Amy's face because you are so skinny.

At March 2, 2008 at 12:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The tubing looks so fun! Tim reminds me of Grizzly Adams. So glad he got to come visit. Great shooting...I did that once a few years ago and I loved it (apart from my sore shoulder).
Lack of pizza is a serious strike against NZ. The rivers look a little less clear and the mountains a little less majestic...

At March 2, 2008 at 11:28 PM , Blogger Alan & Tina said...

Lack of pizza hasn't messed up your form (leaping into crystal waters & shooting clay pigeons) or your frame (I echo Cari's compliment! You look great!) New Ziggyland is a place of many adventures in spite of having no good pizza!

At March 3, 2008 at 1:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to be clear, that was sarcasm about the pizza dimming NZ's beauty ;)

At March 3, 2008 at 9:27 PM , Blogger Jen Zig said...

Robyn - I was with you on that one.


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