New ZiggyLand

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Not your traditional Christmas

Well, there was no snow anywhere, no Christmas Eve service, no Groundhog Day (a tradition on Christmas Eve), instead I had a Kiwi Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I woke up at 3 a.m. on Christmas Eve morning to meet a friend for a hike. We left at about 4 in the morning and didn't have coffee until 6 so I'm not sure what went on for those first few hours. We hiked through the bush - in the rain, down to a river. By the time we got down there, it was still raining and I was cold and wet and maybe a little grumpy. Apparently, to get to 'the spot' he wanted to show me, we had to wade the river. Like I said, I may have been a little grumpy and cold and wet at that point, so I wouldn't cross. I stayed on one side and made a little home for myself under a rock while he went and fished.

Then the sun came out and dried up all the rain and I stopped being so grumpy. I never ended up crossing the river to see the waterfall, but next time, I'll be ready for it and hopefully I'll have better pictures of 'the spot.'

I spent Christmas Day with Steve and Kathy and the kiddos, but didn't take any pictures of them at all. I do have pictures of me with my Christmas outfits on. Di and Jo - thanks so much for the skirt, tank, and socks. I think I wore the tank top for 2 days straight.
Mom - thanks for the shirt - I've already worn it at the beach. I know it's only 2 days after Christmas, I might have opened the packages a little early. I waited about 30 seconds before I opened the one Di and Jo sent. I held out longer with mom's package - only because kathy hid it from me. But I wore her down and explained how practical it would be for me to open it early. Of course, as soon as I opened the packages, I felt guilty becuase I didn't wait.

Tina - thank you for the package, I actually waited to open yours until Christmas. I'm glad you explained what the veggie brush was for - I almost tried to use it as a loofah.

I definitely missed being home with friends and family and doing the typical things this year. But each year has been filled with so many unique and wonderful memories. And for me, the coming year holds the expectation of many more memories to be made.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Mine was definitely different - filled with friends, warm weather, hiking, swimming, and getting ready for my 2007-08 South Island Summer Safari...


At December 27, 2007 at 11:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jen Thanks for the updates. You look great in your new outfits!

One question, What is a "loofah"?

Also I hope to have the web cam operational by tommorow at the latest. I hope to see you soon...Love


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