New ZiggyLand

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Guy Fowkes

Last Saturday, Kathy and Steve's community celebrated Guy Fowkes Day. It's a holiday celebrated throughout New Zealand and the U.K. Guy Fowkes who trid to blow up Parliament a couple of hundred years ago. The police caught him before anything happened and he was burned at the stake. So, to commemorate him being caught, New Zealanders set off fireworks and have bonfires where they burn a dummie on the fire.
By the time got my camera, only his boot was left.

I know you're not supposed to pass judgements on other cultures, but it did seem a bit odd. Kids of all ages get excited and cheer when they throw the guy on the fire. I don't know - you be the judge.


At November 21, 2007 at 10:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on, how could you not love a holiday that celebrates the firey demise of another human being? Break out the sparklers!

At December 22, 2007 at 5:19 AM , Blogger Solange said...

hey cutie!!!!!!!!!! sooooo good to see the pics and read bout what u are up too!. i hear timmy will be visiting that is going to be fun. as for me i am still in maui....sweet stuff is happening
;-) will call u through skype....sung gave me ur #
love ya!!!!!!


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