New ZiggyLand

Friday, November 9, 2007

The packages

There's nothing like getting packages from home. Thank you family and Tina for the packages. Thanks for the coffee, the lotion, the gum, the hand towels, the poster, the pictures, the CD, everything.

Diana sent chocolate chip cookie bars. They weren't moldy when they got here, but they did taste a lot like the gum and the coffee that was in the package. don't worry - I managed to eat them all anyway.

The package that came this past week was from Amy when she was in Balto. The fam collected leaves, glued them to a poster, signed it and sent it this way. The leaves are totally illegal to send over, but customs didn't pick up on it - could have been a huge fine. The poster was covered with notes and marshmallow residue (fire and smores at mom and dad's). I got a little teary-eyed reading the poster. Kathy's kids were there asking me why I was crying and pointing out the tears in my eyes. Kathy explained that sometimes people cry when they are happy. When Steve came home, Ella and Owen told him that I got a package from the states and that I was crying, but that they were happy tears.

So, thanks for thinking of me and thanks for the poster and thanks for the happy tears.


At November 12, 2007 at 1:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm tearing up a little bit (with happy tears ;) for are loved and missed.


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