New ZiggyLand

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July on the 3rd of July

Happy Fourth of July everyone!!!
I couldn't let the 4th pass by without having our own celebration on this side of the world, so Kiwi and American friends came over and we had an American style cook-out. It wasn't quite the same as home, since it's the middle of winter and got dark around 5:00. We weren't sitting on a blanket watching fireworks, instead we were lighting them ourselves in the wind and rain.
But it was close enough.

Kiwis love dress-up parties. At first, I thought it was a little weird, but it's very normal here. It seems every party - birthday, anniversary, or going away, has a theme and everyone comes in costume. I love that men and women in main-stream society aren't self-conscious. I know I'm making a generalization, but for the most part, people here are okay with dressing up and trying square dancing at a 4th of July party. I sent the invites out, some people translated 4th of July party to mean "American" party, so about half dressed in western garb. The rest dug out anything red, white, and blue.

My friend Alice is in the Mad hatter hat - I'm not sure what look she was going for. I'm pretty sure she just grabbed anything red, white, and blue.

I had to make the traditional flag cake.

I even made sure we had country music playing. Here's Hilary and Sue trying out their line dance moves.

Kathy and me singing the National Anthem.

Lighting the fireworks in the wind and the rain. It was a bit tricky because every time I wasn't sure if the firework was lit but I kept running away as soon as the match was lit because I didn't want them to explode in my face. I was grateful when someone else took over.

We ended the night with everyone doing the Virginia Reel. I learned how to call the dance when I worked with Young Life - it's a talent that I've used quite a few times. Typically, I've had laid-back 4th of Julys. I go to a cookout in the afternoon, hang out with friends and family and watch fireworks. I don't think I've ever had a 4th of July like this one - this had to be most full-on celebration that I remember. I am so thankful that I've made the friends I have and they were all more than willing to join in the celebrating.

I hope you all had a fun time with family and friends and hopefully got to see some fireworks!


At July 5, 2008 at 6:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT. What a great party!!! Happy glad you got to celebrate and thankful for your friends there!

At July 6, 2008 at 9:59 PM , Blogger Alan & Tina said...

The whole post just made me grin my big, doofus grin and made me want to put my thumbs in my belt loops and go two-steppin'. I was so happy to see all the fun you created...and HAD! (I had no idea you knew how to call the Virginia Reel. You've been keeping your light under a bushel!)

At July 14, 2008 at 9:53 AM , Blogger Mama Gapp said...

I have THOROUGHLY enjoyed this entry, dear cousin. It was almost like I was there. Many smiles and laughter. Your firework lighting reminded me of our dads lighting them up on the beach at OBX '01. As Josh says, "Menembay?" (i.e. Remember?)


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